Wise Rebrand Cards

The first Transferwise card was introduced in 2018, a bright green card against our banky blue branding. It confused people (#whyisitgreen) but now, we are going with it.

In March 2023, we launched our Wise rebrand - a new system to disrupt the old one. Along with a brand new logo, colours, typography and illustrations, our card also needed a refresh. 
We kept it simple, clean, and accessible to our customers and easy on the eye on all platforms.

I developed the card designs alongside our appointed agency and branding team, and then managed its production with card issuance before shipping it to the world.

Card design: Ragged Edge, Amanda Ang
3D: Edwin Tan

Classic Comp. - 1.png
Front Face Cards - 1.png
Exp. Sc01 - Personal.png
Exp. Sc02 - Business.png